Pearl Cooray
Dip Architecture, PG(Dip) Architectural Practice

Pearl joined Gruhe Architects in 2008. Since 2001, her experience has been primarily in Housing & Master-planning.
Pearl has been registered with the ARB & RIBA since 2004. A brief synopsis of experience gained at leading housing practices prior to Gruhe would highlight the following - an outline application for a Masterplan extension with 3,000+ dwellings in Aylesbury, Regeneration competitions in & around the Midlands for private developers, planning applications for ‘pocket-site’ developments for registered social landlords, planning applications for 2 medium sized schemes in Lancashire, as well as a large outline Masterplan for an extension to Milton Keynes.
Since joining Gruhe her expertise has been channelled in options appraisals for both Residential Extensions, Conversions, New-build, Masterplanning & Leisure projects from inception through to planning. Pearl is devoted to achieving functional and aesthetic design that contributes positively to its locality and achieves more than a clients expectations.
Outside of work, she enjoys time with her daughters and hopes one day to expand her range of T shirts and greeting cards for ‘Truth Products’.
* For Pearl's specific project experience prior to Gruhe, please contact Gruhe Architects.